
Stickers from comes in 2 layers. The adhesive layer which is the sticker itself and the backing layer on the back to protect the adhesive.

  1. Clean to be applied surface with a clean cloth using water or alcohol
  2. Peel off backing layer and apply sticker onto cleaned surface
  3. If adjustment is needed, slowly remove sticker and reapply
  4. Apply little force onto sticker to complete
Things to keep note
  • Do not apply force in Step 2 in case adjustment is needed
  • In cases of big sticker sizes, it is recommended to only peel off part of the backing and stick on surface to check for position. Slowly remove the rest of the backing while sticking, making sure no bubbles are on stick surface


Decals from comes in 3 layers. The masking layer on top to protect the decal, the adhesive layer which is the decal itself and the backing layer on the back to protect the adhesive.

  1. Cut decal together with the masking and backing layers if decals comes in parts that suppose to be applied on different position
  2. Clean to be applied surface with a clean cloth using water or alcohol
  3. Spray little mild soap water onto surface to be applied
  4. Peel off backing layer and apply decal together with masking layer onto surface
  5. If adjustment is needed, slowly remove decal with masking layer and reapply
  6. Apply little force with a hard card or decal squeegee tool onto masking layer with decal to remove excess water in decal
  7. Air dry for 3 minutes
  8. Slowly remove masking layer from decal
Things to keep note
  • Use very mild soap plus water for Step 2
  • When peeling off the backing layer in Step 3, make sure the decal do not comes off with backing layer and is still on masking layer
  • If adjustment is needed in Step 4, make sure the decal comes off with the masking layer
  • Make sure decal does not come off together with masking layer in Step 7